Saturday, February 14, 2009

L O N G Overdue updates

I'm sorry for slacking on the blog but life is busy with 3 children ages 6, 5, and 4!!!


Patrick: is loving kindergarten and is really looking foreward to first grade. He is really growing and changing every day. He has taken an interest in Transformers, Star Wars, SpongeBob, and anything that I am doing.
Jillian: has shown an interest in the piano so Amber has been showing her very basic things. She is also geeked up for soccer season to start this spring. Of all three kids, Jill is my better athlete. Matthew: is adjusting better than we ever would have dreamed. He can hold a conversation in english quite well, ties his own shoes, LOVES pre-school, and is Patrick's shadow.



Ana said...

So glad to hear that you guys are doing well; Matthew is adjusting well and that all your children are doing fabulously together!

Kim said...

Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. The kids are adorable!

Unknown said...

Hooray, an update! I can imagine how busy your lives are. Happy to hear that all is going so well!!!!