Thursday, May 8, 2008

Day of Prayer - Adoptions

Tomorrow, 5/9/08, is a National Day of Prayer for adoptions. Please keep Matthew and all orphans in your thoughts and prayers throughout the day tomorrow.

I will be calling the orphanage tonight at 7pm. The plan is to get some updates on how he is doing in general, how he is doing in pre-school, how he is adjusting to being called Matthew (Marlon is his name given at birth), and to share a few words with him on the phone. I will update the blog as soon as I am off the phone.


I called the orphanage!! Matthew wants a disposable camera to take pictures of his friends so that he will remember them after he leaves.

The ladies at the orphanage were happy to hear that we have some things on the way for him. We sent new shoes, pajamas, legos, pictures, and matchbox cars.

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